Friday, April 18, 2008

Bro.ra Spence.

So I sent the link to my friend Laura...(shes a total reference genius...) and she comes back with...

"Let me tap into my bro-lific word bank with all kinds of slanging bro-how and get back to you..."

and 45 minutes later she drops a bomb like this:

1) Barack Bro.bama: The original bro. The bro who's got bros in every possible area code.

2) bro.ken: Like, really broken. And not getting fixed till all the Cheetos are gone and 'The Simpsons' is over.

3) Bro.mer Simpson: The bro who's always looking for more bro.ugh (the stuff that buys the beer).

4) neighbro.hood: Where all the bros hang and greet each bro.ther in passing with, 'What up, Bro?'

5) mixed ebro.tions: Not knowing whether to hang out with one group of bros or another group of bros.

6) bro.pitch softball: The sport where the bros play together in bro.therly love (and pitch a little faster than the girls.)

7) eye.bro: The hair above a bro's eyes that's never getting plucked or shaved, even if it is a uni.bro

8) Bro.magnon Man: The bro.riginal bro. (Yeah, bro. Even BEFORE Bro.bama)

9) Bro.hemian Rhapsody: That awesome song by Queen that the bros sing in the car on the way to harass Officer Bro.harski and eat jelly bro.nuts.


Some people just got the touch...

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm hard-pressed to think of a time when I've had a higher honor...