Monday, June 9, 2008

bad bad bro's

Brolester and Brodephile:

this guy!

another BRO list.

Brolific: an expecially fruitful BRO

BroBation: "bro, my bro, Chad, is getting out of lockdown, but he got 2yrs of brobation"

Brolex: what bro's have on their wrist to tell time. You might buy these off the street from a sketchy dude in a van.

Broknowledgy: how good are you at the bro-knowledge?

Broficient: I am pretty broficient in my broknowledgy.

Bronunciation: How you pronounce "Bro" Words.

Broincidence: what happens when you run into a fellow bro at a place where you might not see a bro. "Bro, thats weird, you, at a library, what a Broincidence"

Brobonics: what they speak in Browanda.

Bro-Mitzvah: When a little bro becomes becomes a man.

Broing out: When a bunch of bro's are busy hangin out...most likely talking about how wasted they got, or how many chicks they nailed...or how great that last frat party was. This often happens in or near the Bro-muda Triangle.

Bro-muda Triangle: when three bros get together...its bound to happen...but don't get lost or disappear...

Brolaroid: The quick and easy way to take great low quality instant crappy photos of your fellow bro's.

Brofound: either when a bro gets lost and then found, or a deep thought out of a bro's mouth...

BROTALLY!!!!!!!!!!!: what a bro says in combination of Totally Bro!


Brotograph: a great photo of some bro's.


"Flatbiller Fashion - The Bro Jersey
Friday, April 21, 2006
Some bros love these shiny sleeveless shirts. Their primary function is to show off new tats.

Where do you buy these?"